Trustee's Update - June 12, 2023

With the mitigation phase coming to a close, reconstruction planning is underway. All contents have been either cleaned, cataloged and boxed up, or documented as non salvageable.

The halls and rooms are getting a thorough scrubbing. Zippered barricades separate floors to prevent dust from contaminating reconstruction areas.

Down in the fire room, the plumbers needed block walks removed to expose heat compromised cast iron sewer pipes. The Jefferson City Fire Department helped out with some demolition of non structural block walls. This was practice for them in emergency breaching block walls.

ARSI has completed asbestos abatement in the church hall and the bell tower stairwell. GBH builders will begin removing these plaster ceilings this week

The asbestos insulation covering the old boiler flu pipe in the ceiling outside the kindergarten rooms was also removed by ARSI.

The old derelict organ pipes were removed and recycled, freeing up the loft as a storage space. Several pipes were saved for the archive and the entire set of chimes were stored for potential future use.

Stay tuned for updates with reconstruction details.

Please direct questions about cleanup and rebuilding to us at

God’s Peace

Andrew Wachter - Board of Trustees - Chairman.