Fellowship is a big part of who we are here at Trinity. We have a variety of groups for people of all walks of life to connect with other members of the church.
Some of these groups may have temporarily changed dates/locations due to the Apr 15, 2023 fire. Please contact the group leader or the church office if you are not sure.
Men’s Club
The Men’s Club supports various functions and activities of Trinity Lutheran Church and School and is part of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (also known as Lutheran Hour Ministries). The Men’s Club hosts an annual BBQ in the spring to provide financial support to church property improvements, youth activities, and Calvary Lutheran High School.
Meets: 2nd Tuesday of the month
Contact: Jay Wunderlich (573) 636-4188
Missionary Society
The Missionary Society is a group of women who support those in need locally, nationally, and internationally through prayer, volunteerism, and financial support. The Society is part of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. The monthly meetings include a devotion, guest speakers, and Bible study.
Meets: 2nd Tuesday of the month (September–May), 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
Contact: Danielle Rakow rakowedtk@gmail.com
Women’s Auxiliary
Trinity Lutheran Women's Auxiliary was organized in 1888 for the purpose of Christian growth, service, and fellowship. The Auxiliary financially supports various church and community organizations such as the Foster Care and Adoption Association located on our campus.
Meets: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall
Contact: Deborah Schulenberg dcesposito@yahoo.com
Evening Guild
Evening Guild is a Christian fellowship group of ladies who do systematic church and charity work. Their projects include three major annual fundraisers, providing much needed services for the congregation, and financially supporting various church and community organizations.
Meets: 1st Monday of the month, 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
Contact: www.facebook.com/TrinityEveningGuild/
Lifeline Exercise Group
If you’re looking for convenient fitness options, the YMCA offers a strength and balance class at Trinity twice a week. Join Charlene for a low-impact 45 minute workout that will improve your health and fitness in a safe environment. Plus, if your insurance carries the Silver Sneakers benefit or if you are a YMCA member, the class is free! If not, it is only $20/month.
Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall
For more information, you can call the YMCA at 761-3459 or contact Charlene Early: 573-338-4079.
Lutheran Blind Mission League
Trinity’s Lutheran Blind Mission League provides a monthly meal including fellowship activities and devotions. Activities may include activities with speakers, field trips along with games such as bingo or just good fellowship. Volunteers are welcome to help out with this ministry.
Meets: 2nd Saturday of the month, 11:30 am
Social Game Night
The Social Game Night is a mixed group of adults (single, dating, newly married, married for a long time, single parents, widowed and divorced). Childcare can be arranged by the church youth group for a donation to their ministry. Please bring your favorite board game, card game, puzzle, or crafts!
Meets: 1st Saturday of the month, 7:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall (after 6 pm church service)
Contact: Carmy Heerboth
Singles’ Game Night
Open to anyone in the church or community aged 18 and up who is single. Please join us for fun, games, fellowship and snacks. Please bring your favorite board game, card game or puzzle!
Meets: 3rd Friday of the month, 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
Contact: David Knernschield